Posts Tagged ‘treat’
Fastway – stand up
März 27th, 2012 | admin
The first song from the movie „Trick or treat“ (1986). Eddie Weinbauer (Marc Price) is writing a letter to his hero, metal musician Sammi Curr (Tony Fields), he puts the letter in an envelope and starts doing his chores.
Trick ‚r Treat (1986)
März 27th, 2012 | admin
Eddie Weinbauer is a typical All-American teenager, at least he was until he fell under the evil spell of Rock Music. Now he’s obsessed with his heavy-metal superstar idol, Sammi Curr, who is killed in a hotel fire. Eddie becomes the recipient of the only copy of Curr’s unreleased album, which when played backwards sends a message of destruction and as Halloween approaches, Eddie begins to realize this isn’t only rock ’n roll… it’s life and death and he must draw the line to thwart this mission.
trick or treat full film
März 27th, 2012 | admin
After learning that his rock ’n‘ roll idol (Tony Fields) died in a fire, teen outcast Eddie Weinbauer (Marc Price) consults a local DJ (Gene Simmons of Kiss) and learns that he can bring his hero back to life by playing his final album backward. With a resuscitated rock star by his side, Eddie’s sure he can rule his high school. But on the night of the annual Halloween dance, everything goes to hell.
GENE SIMMONS – In Hollywood / Trick Or Treat clip
März 27th, 2012 | admin
High school outcast Eddie Weinbauer is writing a letter to his hero, metal musician Sammi Curr. He puts the letter in an envelope and starts doing his chores. He watches the news at the same time when he hears the worst words to ever reach his mind: Sammi Curr has died in a mysterious hotel fire. He is completely devastated. He goes to his friend „Nuke“ (Gene Simmons), a DJ who knew Sammi Curr personally. To take Eddie’s mind off the death of his idol, Nuke gives Eddie the only copy of Curr’s last and only unreleased album on an acetate disc. Once back home, Eddie falls asleep while listening to the record and has a strange dream about the fire that killed Sammi Curr. When he wakes up he finds that the record is skipping and after listening to it for a few seconds he comes to realize that there is something not right about the words the record is stuck on. Having previous experience with hidden lyrics, Eddie plays the record backwards but receives more than he imagined: Sammi Curr speaking to him from beyond the grave. Sammi instructs him on how to go about getting revenge on a group of bullies that like to torment Eddie, since Sammi was bullied constantly in high school and would like to take the revenge on bullies he never got to take himself. At first the revenge is innocent enough, but after a while the plans start to become more sinister, eventually starting to involve murder, and Eddie finally tries cutting ties with the dead rocker, but Sammi will not let him …
Trick or Treat Official Trailer 1986
März 27th, 2012 | admin
Eddie Weinbauer is a typical All-American teenager, at least he was until he fell under the evil spell of Rock Music. Now he’s obsessed with his heavy-metal superstar idol, Sammi Curr, who is killed in a hotel fire. Eddie becomes the recipient of the only copy of Curr’s unreleased album, which when played in reverse, sends a message of destruction and as Halloween approaches, Eddie begins to realize this isn’t only rock ’n roll… it’s life and death and he must draw the line to thwart this mission. For the latest movie reviews, please visit: