Posts Tagged ‘moric’
Plonk Wine Merchants reviews 2007 Moric Blaufrankisch
März 30th, 2012 | admin Etty Lewensztain of value wine mecca, Plonk Wine Merchants, reviews the 2007 Moric Blaufrankisch: one of Austria’s most impressive red wines – an absolute knockout – available at
Fantastic 4
März 30th, 2012 | admin
Winederlust / Austria 2011 / Moric Part 1, On Wine
März 30th, 2012 | admin
We spent our morning with Roland Velich discussing terroir of the tiny Burgenland hillsides seeping through his Blaufrankisch and the merits of the slower more local food movement emerging in Europe. All this over a ‚breakfast‘ of his best wines.
Cool wines…
März 30th, 2012 | admin
Roland Velich about cool climate reds.