Posts Tagged ‘Blaufränkisch’
Plonk Wine Merchants reviews 2007 Moric Blaufrankisch
März 30th, 2012 | admin Etty Lewensztain of value wine mecca, Plonk Wine Merchants, reviews the 2007 Moric Blaufrankisch: one of Austria’s most impressive red wines – an absolute knockout – available at
März 30th, 2012 | admin
This is a short lession about winelanguage, choice of glasses etc. – a part of the collection of short movies, where the vintner Julius Hafner is presenting 40 of the most important wines of the HAFNER Family Estate, Burgenland Austria.
März 30th, 2012 | admin
Vintner Julius Hafner describing his Riesling, a famous white wine variety of Germany and Austria. This film is part of the collection of short movies, where the vintner is presenting 40 of the most important wines of the HAFNER Family Estate, Burgenland Austria.
2007 Rosi Schuster Blaufrankisch Wine Review
März 30th, 2012 | admin Etty Lewensztain of Plonk Wine Merchants reviews the 2007 Rosi Schuster Blaufrankisch, a sleek and sinuous wine that features bold notes of black raspberry and mulberry fruit.
Fantastic 4
März 30th, 2012 | admin
März 30th, 2012 | admin
This is a short lession about red wine categories. What is the difference between Hafner wines using the terms: Classique, Reserve and Barrique. This movie is part of the collection of short movies, where the vintner Julius Hafner is presenting 40 of the most important wines of the HAFNER Family Estate, Burgenland Austria. www.hafner-icewine.
März 30th, 2012 | admin
Vintner Julius Hafner describing his Blaufränkisch Barrique (Blaufrankisch), Burgenlands most famous red wine variety of Austrian heritage. Barrique is a french measure for 220 l oak casks. This film is part of the collection of short movies, where the vintner is presenting 40 of the most important wines of the HAFNER Family Estate, Burgenland Austria. www.blaufrä
März 30th, 2012 | admin
Vintner Julius Hafner describing his sweet Red Late Harvest wine. A very specialty of the winery. This film is part of the collection of short movies, where the vintner is presenting 40 of the most important wines of the HAFNER Family Estate, Burgenland Austria. www.blaufrä
Kapellmeister Burgenland
März 30th, 2012 | admin
Alberto Russo, diplomierter Sommelier, unterwegs für Mövenpick Wein. Zu Gast bei Felix Franz, dem Restaurantbesitzer des „Kaiser Franz im Rössel“ in Zug. Thema ist „Wein und Speisen“ mit dem 2007 Kapellmeister aus dem Burgenland. Eine kräftige Cuvée aus Merlot und Blaufränkisch.
Muutama päräyttävä vinkku Itävallasta
März 30th, 2012 | admin