Posts Tagged ‘austria’


März 30th, 2012 | admin

Vintner Julius Hafner describing his St. Laurent. A unique Austrian red wine variety. This film is part of the collection of short movies, where the vintner is presenting 40 of the most important wines of the HAFNER Family Estate, Burgenland Austria.


März 30th, 2012 | admin

This is a short lession about red wine serving and decanting as part of the collection of short movies, where the vintner Julius Hafner is presenting 40 of the most important wines of the HAFNER Family Estate, Burgenland Austria.


März 30th, 2012 | admin

Vintner Julius Hafner describing one of his flag-ship Cuvees. The Dornröschen. The pun involved in the given name for this blend is the use of two grape varieties: the DORNfelder and the RÖSler. But „DORN RÖS chen“ is the german name for the fairy tale „Sleeping Beauty“ as well. This a high-end red with a „Best Buy Award“ by BTI. This film is part of the collection of short movies, where the vintner is presenting 40 of the most important wines of the HAFNER Family Estate, Burgenland Austria.

Die Rosalia- und Edelsalami der Fleischhauerei Tschürtz

März 30th, 2012 | admin

Der Fleischhauer Otmar Tschürtz produziert Salami mit und ohne Belag, die Rotwein (Blaufränkisch) beinhalten, da dies in romanischen Ländern für viel Tradition spricht. Für die Salami wird hochwertiges und ausgereiftes Schweine- sowie Rindfleisch verarbeitet. Nach einer dreiwöchigen Reifungszeit ist das Aroma gut ausgebildet, und das Qualitätsprodukt ist zum Verzehr bereit. Die Rosalia-Salami und die Edelsalami mit Blaufränkisch sind gemeinsam mit dem dazu passenden Wein im Rosalia-Paket vereint. Weitere Informationen finden Sie im Internet unter:

Austrian Wine Adventure Tour #9 Leithaberg: Terroirist on a Quad

März 30th, 2012 | admin Meet vintner Rudi Wagentristl off-road on the Austrian Wine Adventure Tour and discover why the Leithaberg region has become the new hot spot for gourmets looking for authentic wines and cuisine.


März 30th, 2012 | admin

An image movie, showing Austria as a wine country. Vienna, the capital of Austria, is famous for music and culture – but also great wines grow here, by tradition! Especially the wine growing area near Lake Neusiedl (Neusiedlersee) in sunny Burgenland is an Eldorado for the vintner: here, crisp whites, full-bodied reds with character and noble sweet wines with style can be produced in every vintage! A very speciality is the Icewine, whereas Hafner Family Estate in 1971 was the first Austrian producer of this liquid-gold! Other famous products are Beeren- and Trockenbeerenauslese (BA and TBA) – noble sweet wines, made of raisin-like grape! TBA’s and Icewines from Austria are among the finest sweet wines in the world! Hafner Winery could win uncountable medals in int. wine competitions with these products! We are proud to share these specialties with you! Cheers!


März 30th, 2012 | admin

Vintner Julius Hafner describing his Chardonnay Classique, a world wide famous white wine variety of burgundy heritage. This film is part of the collection of short movies, where the vintner is presenting 40 of the most important wines of the HAFNER Family Estate, Burgenland Austria.


März 30th, 2012 | admin

Vintner Julius Hafner describing his Merlot wine. This french (Bordeaux) grape is planted all over the world and fits perfectly into the climate of sunny Burgenland, Austria. This film is part of the collection of short movies, where the vintner is presenting 40 of the most important wines of the HAFNER Family Estate, Burgenland Austria.

Weingut Lassl – Wine from Burgenland Austria

März 30th, 2012 | admin

Beautiful images from a winery in Burgenland Austria. Schwere, tiefgründige Lehmböden mit hohem Tongehalt schaffen die Voraussetzung für charaktervolle, langlebige Rotweine. Die Ernte der Trauben erfolgt ausschließlich mit der Hand, danach werden sie gerebelt und schonend mit modernster Kellertechnik weiterverarbeitet. Die Vergärung erfolgt temperaturkontrolliert in Edelstahltanks, der Ausbau der Rotweine in großen und kleinen Holzfässern für mindestens 1 2 Jahre.


März 30th, 2012 | admin

Vintner Julius Hafner describing one of his flag-ship Cuvees. The Kashmir is a high-end red with a „Best Buy Award“ by BTI. Those casks of a vintage with the smoothest tannins are blended for this wine (smooth as „Cashmere“ on the palate). This film is part of the collection of short movies, where the vintner is presenting 40 of the most important wines of the HAFNER Family Estate, Burgenland Austria.