Posts Tagged ‘and’
Johann Strauss II – Wein, Weib und Gesang – Walzer, Op. 333
März 27th, 2012 | admin
„Who loves not wine, woman and song, remains a fool his whole life long.“ These lines (in translation), written in the mediæval castle of Wartburg in Germany, and attributed to Martin Luther (1483-1546) during his residence there when he began his German translation of the New Testament, provided the title and part of the text for the truly magnificent choral waltz Johann Strauss wrote in 1869 for the Wiener Männergesang-Verein – Wein, Weib und Gesang! But whereas his first choral waltz, An der schönen blauen Donau (By the beautiful blue Danube) of 1867 had been more or less constructed from previously existing sketches, the new work was conceived in its entirety for male chorus and orchestra and, as was noted by the Strauss authority Professor Dr. Fritz Racek, the work „makes up for the absence of a recapitulating Coda by means of an impressive [137 bars] Introduction of almost symphonic proportions“. As with An der schönen blauen Donau, the text for the waltz came from the pen of the Association’s house poet, Joseph Weyl (1821-95). Wein, Weib und Gesang! – a particular favourite with Richard Wagner – was given its first performance by the Wiener Männergesang-Verein at their carnival-time ‚Narrenabend‘ (Fools‘ Evening) held in the Dianabad-Saal, Vienna, on 2 February 1869. The Strauss Orchestra provided the accompaniment, and although the composer did not conduct the première of his new waltz, he was present among the audience, dressed as a pilgrim, while the members of …