Mixed Messages on Marriage Equality? GetUp!’s It’s Time
April 13th, 2012 | admin
In this Barry Drive Special Feature, Michael Wright explores the strategy and the message of GetUp!’s recent viral video, ‚It’s Time‘. Featuring interviews with: Paul Mackay, Director of Media and Communcations, GetUp!; The Hon. Andrew Barr MLA, Deputy Chief Minister of the ACT; Rodney Croome AM, Campaign Coordinator, Australian Marriage Equality; Lanae Erickson, Deputy Director Social Policy & Politics, Third Way; and Daniel Wein, Co-Founder, It’s Time | Marriage Equality Special thanks to Victor White for technical support.
Tags: Analysis, Andrew Barr, Barry Drive, Daniel Wein, getup!, It's Time, Lanae Erickson, Marriage Equality, Paul Mackay, Rainbow Labor, Rodney Croome, Same-sex, same-sex marriage
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